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ArcEmu Commands

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ArcEmu Commands Empty ArcEmu Commands

Post  Nitro Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:43 pm

* commands (0) - [Shows Commands]
* help (0) - [Shows help for command]
* announce (u) - [Sends Msg To All]
* wannounce (u) - [Sends Widescreen Msg To All]
* appear (v) - [Teleports to x's position.]
* summon (v) - [Summons x to your position]
* kill (r) - [.kill - Kills selected unit.]
* killplr (r) - [.killplr - Kills specified player]
* revive (r) - [Revives you.]
* reviveplr (r) - [Revives player specified.]
* demorph (m) - [Demorphs from morphed model.]
* mount (m) - [Mounts into modelid x.]
* dismount (h) - [Dismounts.]
* gps (0) - [Shows Position]
* worldport (v) -
* start (m) - [Teleport's you to a starting location]
* invincible (j) - [.invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you)]
* invisible (i) - [.invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)]
* playerinfo (m) - [.playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)]
* levelup (m) - [Levelup x lvls]

* modify (m) -
o hp (m) - [Health Points/HP]
o gender (m) - [Changes gender 0=male / 1=female.]
o mana (m) - [Mana Points/MP]
o rage (m) - [Rage Points]
o energy (m) - [Energy Points]
o level (m) - [Level]
o armor (m) - [Armor]
o holy (m) - [Holy Resistance]
o fire (m) - [Fire Resistance]
o nature (m) - [Nature Resistance]
o frost (m) - [Frost Resistance]
o shadow (m) - [Shadow Resistance]
o arcane (m) - [Arcane Resistance]
o damage (m) - [Unit Damage Min/Max]
o scale (m) - [Size/Scale]
o gold (m) - [Gold/Money/Copper]
o speed (m) - [Movement Speed]
o nativedisplayid (m) - [Native Display ID]
o displayid (m) - [Display ID]
o flags (m) - [Unit Flags]
o faction (m) - [Faction Template]
o dynamicflags (m) - [Dynamic Flags]
o talentpoints (m) - [Talent Points]
o happiness (m) - [Happiness]
o spirit (m) - [Spirit]
o boundingraidius (m) - [Bounding Radius]
o combatreach (m) - [Combat Reach]
o emotestate (m) - [NPC Emote State]
o bytes (m) - [Bytes]

* waypoint (w) -
o add (w) - [Add wp at current pos]
o show (w) - [Show wp's for creature]
o hide (w) - [Hide wp's for creature]
o delete (w) - [Delete selected wp]
o movehere (w) - [Move to this wp]
o flags (w) - [Wp flags]
o waittime (w) - [Wait time at this wp]
o emote (w) - [Emote at this wp]
o skin (w) - [Skin at this wp]
o change (w) - [Change at this wp]
o info (w) - [Show info for wp]
o movetype (w) - [Movement type at wp]
o generate (w) - [Randomly generate wps]
o save (w) - [Save all waypoints]
o deleteall (w) - [Delete all waypoints]
o addfly (w) - [Adds a flying waypoint]

* debug (d) -
o infront (d) -
o showreact (d) -
o aimove (d) -
o dist (d) -
o face (d) -
o moveinfo (d) -
o setbytes (d) -
o getbytes (d) -
o unroot (d) -
o root (d) -
o landwalk (d) -
o waterwalk (d) -
o castspell (d) - [.castspell - Casts spell on target.]
o castself (d) - [.castself - Target casts spell on itself.]
o castspellne (d) - [.castspellne - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc.]
o aggrorange (d) - [.aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.]
o knockback (d) - [.knockback - Knocks you back.]
o fade (d) - [.fade - calls ModThreatModifyer().]
o threatMod (d) - [.threatMod - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().]
o calcThreat (d) - [.calcThreat - calculates threat.]
o threatList (d) - [.threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.]
o gettptime (d) - [grabs transporter travel time]
o itempushresult (d) - [sends item push result]
o setbit (d) -
o setvalue (d) -
o aispelltestbegin (d) -
o aispelltestcontinue (d) -
o aispelltestskip (d) -
o dumpcoords (d) -
o sendpacket (d) - [, ]
o sqlquery (d) - []
o rangecheck (d) - [Checks the 'yard' range and internal range between the player and the target.]
o setallratings (d) - [Sets rating values to incremental numbers based on their index.]
o testlos (d) - [tests los]
o testindoor (d) - [tests indoor]
o getheight (d) - [Gets height]
o getpos (d)

* gmTicket (c) -
o get (c) - [Gets GM Ticket list.]
o getId (c) - [Gets GM Ticket by player name.]
o delId (c) - [Deletes GM Ticket by player name.]
o list (c) - [Lists all active GM Tickets.]
o get (c) - [Gets GM Ticket with ID x.]
o remove (c) - [Removes GM Ticket with ID x.]
o deletepermanent (z) - [Deletes GM Ticket with ID x permanently.]
o assign (c) - [Assignes GM Ticket with id x to GM y (if empty to your self).]
o release (c) - [Releases assigned GM Ticket with ID x.]
o comment (c) - [Sets comment x to GM Ticket with ID y.]

* gobject (o) -
o select (o) - [Selects the nearest GameObject to you]
o delete (o) - [Deletes selected GameObject]
o spawn (o) - [Spawns a GameObject by ID]
o info (o) - [Gives you informations about selected GO]
o activate (o) - [Activates/Opens the selected GO.]
o enable (o) - [Enables the selected GO for use.]
o scale (o) - [Sets scale of selected GO]
o animprogress (o) - [Sets anim progress]
o export (o) - [Exports the current GO selected]
o move (g) - [Moves gameobject to player xyz]
o rotate (g) - [Rotates gameobject x degrees]

* battleground (e) -
o setbgscore (e) - [ - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.]
o startbg (e) - [Starts current battleground match.]
o pausebg (e) - [Pauses current battleground match.]
o bginfo (e) - [Displays information about current battleground.]
o battleground (e) - [Shows BG Menu]
o setworldstate (e) - [ - Var can be in hex. WS Value.]
o playsound (e) - [. Val can be in hex.]
o setbfstatus (e) - [.setbfstatus - NYI.]
o leave (e) - [Leaves the current battleground.]
o getqueue (z) - [Gets common battleground queue information.]
o forcestart (z) - [Forces initialitation of all battlegrounds with active queue.]

* npc (n) -
o vendoradditem (n) - [Adds to vendor]
o vendorremoveitem (n) - [Removes from vendor.]
o flags (n) - [Changes NPC flags]
o emote (n) - [.emote - Sets emote state]
o delete (n) - [Deletes mob from db and world.]
o info (n) - [Displays NPC information]
o addAgent (n) - [.npc addAgent ]
o listAgent (n) - [.npc listAgent]
o say (n) - [.npc say - Makes selected mob say text .]
o yell (n) - [.npc yell - Makes selected mob yell text .]
o come (n) - [.npc come - Makes npc move to your position]
o return (n) - [.npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.]
o spawn (n) - [.npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry ]
o spawnlink (n) - [.spawnlink sqlentry]
o possess (n) - [.npc possess - Possess an npc (mind control)]
o unpossess (n) - [.npc unpossess - Unposses any currently possessed npc.]
o select (n) - [.npc select - selects npc closest]
o npcfollow (m) - [Sets npc to follow you]
o nullfollow (m) - [Sets npc to not follow anything]
o formationlink1 (m) - [Sets formation master.]
o formationlink2 (m) - [Sets formation slave with distance and angle]
o formationclear (m) - [Removes formation from creature]

* cheat (m) -
o status (m) - [Shows active cheats.]
o taxi (m) - [Enables all taxi nodes.]
o cooldown (m) - [Enables no cooldown cheat.]
o casttime (m) - [Enables no cast time cheat.]
o power (m) - [Disables mana consumption etc.]
o god (m) - [Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.]
o fly (m) - [Sets fly mode]
o land (m) - [Unsets fly mode]
o explore (m) - [Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.]
o flyspeed (m) - [Modifies fly speed.]
o stack (m) - [Enables aura stacking cheat.]
o triggerpass (m) - [Ignores area trigger prerequisites.]

* account (a) -
o level (z) - [Sets gm level on account. Pass it username and 0,1,2,3,az, etc.]
o mute (a) - [Mutes account for .]
o unmute (a) - [Unmutes account ]

* quest (q) -
o addboth (2) - [Add quest to the targeted NPC as start & finish]
o addfinish (2) - [Add quest to the targeted NPC as finisher]
o addstart (2) - [Add quest to the targeted NPC as starter]
o delboth (2) - [Delete quest from the targeted NPC as start & finish]
o delfinish (2) - [Delete quest from the targeted NPC as finisher]
o delstart (2) - [Delete quest from the targeted NPC as starter]
o complete (2) - [Complete/Finish quest ]
o finisher (2) - [Lookup quest finisher for quest ]
o item (2) - [Lookup itemid necessary for quest ]
o list (2) - [Lists the quests for the npc ]
o load (2) - [Loads quests from database]
o lookup (2) - [Looks up quest string x]
o giver (2) - [Lookup quest giver for quest ]
o remove (2) - [Removes the quest from the targeted player]
o reward (2) - [Shows reward for quest ]
o status (2) - [Lists the status of quest ]
o spawn (2) - [Port to spawn location for quest ]
o start (2) - [Starts quest ]

* pet (m) -
o createpet (m) - [Creates a pet with .]
o renamepet (m) - [Renames a pet to .]
o addspell (m) - [Teaches pet .]
o removespell (m) - [Removes pet spell .]
o spawnbot (a) - [.pet spawnbot - spawn a helper bot for your aid]

* recall (q) -
o list (q) - [List recall locations]
o port (q) - [Port to recalled location]
o add (q) - [Add recall location]
o del (q) - [Remove a recall location]
o portplayer (m) - [recall ports player]

* guild (m) -
o create (m) - [Creates a guild.]
o rename (m) - [Renames a guild.]
o members (m) - [Lists guildmembers and their ranks.]
o removeplayer (m) - [Removes a player from a guild.]
o disband (m) - [Disbands the guild of your target.]
* gm (0) -
o list (0) - [Shows active GM's]
o off (t) - [Sets GM tag off]
o on (t) - [Sets GM tag on]
o whisperblock (g) - [Blocks like .gmon except without the tag]
o allowwhispers (c) - [Allows whispers from player while in gmon mode.]
o blockwhispers (c) - [Blocks whispers from player while in gmon mode.]

* server (0) -
o setmotd (m) - [Sets MOTD]
o rehash (z) - [Reloads config file.]
o reloadtable (m) - [Reloads some of the database tables]
o save (s) - [Save's your character]
o saveall (s) - [Save's all playing characters]
o info (0) - [Server info]

* character (0) -
o learn (m) - [Learns spell]
o unlearn (m) - [Unlearns spell]
o getskillinfo (m) - [Gets all the skills from a player]
o learnskill (m) - [.learnskill (optional) - Learns skill id skillid.]
o advanceskill (m) - [advanceskill - Advances skill line x times..]
o removeskill (m) - [.removeskill - Removes skill]
o increaseweaponskill (m) - [.increaseweaponskill - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).]
o resetreputation (n) - [.resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)]
o resetspells (n) - [.resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.]
o resettalents (n) - [.resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.]
o resetskills (n) - [.resetskills - Resets all skills.]
o additem (m) -
o removeitem (m) - [Removes item %u count %u.]
o additemset (m) - [Adds item set to inv.]
o advanceallskills (m) - [Advances all skills points.]
o getstanding (m) - [Gets standing of faction %u.]
o setstanding (m) - [Sets stanging of faction %u.]
o showitems (m) - [Shows items of selected Player]
o showskills (m) - [Shows skills of selected Player]
o rename (m) - [Renames character x to y.]
o forcerename (m) - [Forces character x to rename his char next login]

* lookup (l) -
o item (l) - [Looks up item string x.]
o quest (l) - [Looks up quest string x.]
o creature (l) - [Looks up item string x.]

* admin (z) -
o castall (z) - [Makes all players online cast spell .]
o dispelall (z) - [Dispels all negative (or positive w/ 1) auras on all players.]
o renameallinvalidchars (z) - [Renames all invalid character names]
o masssummon (z) - [.masssummon - Summons all players.]
o playall (z) - [Plays a sound to the entire server.]

* kick (m) -
o byplayer (f) - [Disconnects the player with name .]
o byaccount (f) - [Disconnects the session with account name .]
o byip (f) - [Disconnects the session with the ip .]

* ban (m) -
o ip (m) - [Adds an address to the IP ban table: [duration]\nDuration must be a number optionally followed by a character representing the calendar subdivision to use (h>hours, d>days, w>weeks, m>months, y>years, default minutes)\nLack of duration results in a permanent ban.]
o character (b) - [Bans character x with or without reason]
o account (a) - [Ban account. .account ban name timeperiod]

* unban (m) -
o ip (m) - [Deletes an address from the IP ban table: ]
o character (b) - [Unbans character x]
o account (z) - [Unbans account x.]

* kickplayer (b) - [Kicks player from server]
* gmannounce (u) - [Sends Msg to all online GMs]
* clearcooldowns (m) - [Clears all cooldowns for your class.]
* removeauras (m) - [Removes all auras from target]
* paralyze (b) - [Roots/Paralyzes the target.]
* unparalyze (b) - [Unroots/Unparalyzes the target.]
* gotrig (v) - [Warps to areatrigger ]
* exitinstance (m) - [Exits current instance, return to entry point.]
* modperiod (m) - [Changes period of current transporter.]
* createarenateam (g) - [Creates arena team]
* logcomment (1) - [Adds a comment to the GM log for the admins to read.]
* removesickness (m) - [Removes ressurrection sickness from the target]
* fixscale (m) -
* addtrainerspell (m) -

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Owner Of Deranged WoW Server.

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Points : 99
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Join date : 2010-12-10
Age : 29
Location : Bollnäs, Sweden


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