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ManGos Commands

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ManGos Commands Empty ManGos Commands

Post  Nitro Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:47 pm

.account delete - Delete account with all characters

.additem - Adds the specified number of item

.additemset - Add items from itemset

.quest add - Add to character quest log quest

.go creature - Teleport your character to creature

.npc whisper - Make the selected npc whisper

.npc subname - Change the subname of the selected creature or player

.announce - Send a global message to all players online in chat log

.aura - Add the aura from spell #spellid to the selected Unit

.baninfo ip - Watch full information about a specific ban

.baninfo character - Watch full information about a specific ban

.gm ingame - Display a list of available in game Game Masters

.bank - Show your bank inventory

.commands - Display a list of available commands for your account level

.cooldown - Remove all (if spell_id not provided) or #spel_id spell cooldown from selected character

.guild create - Create a guild named $GuildName with the player $GuildLeaderName as leader

.npc flag - Set the NPC flags of creature template of the selected creature and selected creature

.delticket all - Delete all tickets

.npc factionid - Set the faction of the selected creature

.demorph - Demorph the selected player

.die - Kill the selected player. If no player is selected, it will kill you

.dismount - Dismount you, if you are mounted

.go object - Teleport your character to gameobject

.explorecheat - Reveal or hide all maps for the selected player

.npc changelevel - Change the level of the selected creature

.npc delete - Delete creature

.honor add - Add the targeted unit as one of your pvp kills today

.npc add - Spawn a creature by the given template id

.npc additem - Add item #itemid to item list of selected vendor

.goname - Teleport to the given character

.gps - Display the position information for a selected character

.guid - Display the GUID for the selected character

.hidearea - Hide the area of #areaid to the selected character

.hover - Enable or disable hover mode for your character

.server idleshutdown - Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any

.server exit - Terminate mangosd NOW. Exit code 0

.server idleshutdown - Shut the server down after #delay seconds

.itemmove - Move an item from slots

.kick - Kick the given character name from the world

.npc setmodel - Change the model id of the selected creature

.unban character - Unban accounts for character name pattern

.linkgrave - Link current zone to graveyard for any (or alliance/horde faction ghosts)

.gobject move - Move gameobject #goguid to character coordinates

.modify mount - Display selected player as mounted

.gobject add - Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current location

.gobject delete - Delete gameobject with guid #go_guid

.go zonexy - Teleport player to point current zone

.loadscripts - Unload current and load the script library

.lockaccount - Allow login from account only from current used IP or remove this requirement

.lookup spell - Looks up a spell by $namepart, and returns all matches with their spell ID

.lookup skill - Looks up a skill by $namepart, and returns all matches with their skill ID

.lookup quest - Looks up a quest by $namepart, and returns all matches with their quest ID

.lookup object - Looks up an gameobject by $objname, and returns all matches with their Gameobject ID

.lookup itemset - Looks up an item set by $itemname, and returns all matches with their Item set ID

.lookup item - Looks up an item by $itemname, and returns all matches with their Item ID

.lookup creature - Looks up a creature by $namepart, and returns all matches with their creature ID

.maxskill - Sets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum values for its current level

.go trigger - Teleport your character to areatrigger with id

.modify aspeed - Modify all speeds -run,swim,run back,swim back move type

.modify bit - Toggle the #bit bit of the #field field for the selected player

.modify bwalk - Modify the speed of the selected player while running backwards

.modify energy - Modify the energy of the selected player

.modify faction - Modify the faction and flags of the selected creature

.modify hp - Modify the hp of the selected player

.modify mana - Modify the mana of the selected player

.pdump load - Load character dump from dump file into character list

.modify rage - Modify the rage of the selected player

.unban account - Unban accounts for account name pattern

.reset talents - Removes all talents of the targeted player. Playername can be name of offline character

.modify swim - Modify the swim speed of the selected player

.npc spawndist - Adjust spawndistance of selected creature

.npc spawntime - Adjust spawntime of selected creature

.namego - Teleport the given character to you

.groupgo - Teleport the given character and his group to you

.neargrave - Find nearest graveyard linked to zone (or only nearest from accepts alliance or horde faction

.npc name - Change the name of the selected creature or character

.npc playemote - Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id

.npc move - Move the targeted creature spawn point to your coordinates

.go xyz - Teleport player to point with (#x,#y,#z) coordinates

.recall - Teleport $playername or selected player to the place where he has been before

.reset level - Reset level to 1 including reset stats and talents

.reset spells - Removes all non-original spells from spellbook.Playername can be name of offline character

.reset stats - Resets(recalculate) all stats of the targeted player to their original VALUES at current level

.respawn - Respawn selected creature or respawn all nearest creatures

.revive - Revive the selected player

.gm [on/off] - Enable or Disable in game GM MODE or show current state of on/off

.save - Saves your character

.saveall - Save all characters in game

.account - Display the access level of your account

.account create - Create account and set password to it

.modify arena - Add $amount arena points to the selected player

.go grid - Teleport the gm to center of grid with provided indexes at map

.showarea - Reveal the area of #areaid to the selected character

.debug Mod32Value - Add #value to field #field of your character

.server info - Display server version and the number of connected players

.modify standstate - Change the emote of your character while standing

.npc addmove - Add your current location as a waypoint for creature

.npc allowmove - Enable or disable movement creatures in world

.gm visible on/off - Output current visibility state or make GM visible(on) and invisible(off) for other players

.start - Teleport you to the starting area of your character

.npc setphase - Selected unit or pet phasemask

.taxicheat on/off - Temporary grant access or remove to all taxi routes for the selected

.cast back - Selected target will cast #spellid to your character

.help - Display usage instructions

.unaura - Remove aura due to spell #spellid from the selected Unit

.banlist account - Searches the banlist for a account name pattern or show full list account bans

.learn - Selected character learn a spell of id #spell. If 'all' provided then all ranks learned

.unlearn - Unlearn for selected player a spell #spell. If 'all' provided then all ranks unlearned

.cast - Cast #spellid to selected target

.debug anim - Play emote #emoteid for your character

.debug getvalue - Get the field #field of the selected creature

.wchange - Set current weather

.whispers on|off - Enable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting

.honor add - Add a certain amount of honor (gained today) to the selected player

.reset honor - Reset all honor data for targeted character

.debug playsound - Play sound with #soundid.\r\nSound will be play only for you. Other players do not hear this

.debug setvalue - Set the field #field of the selected creature with value

.setskill - Set a skill

.password - Change your account password

.go xy #x #y - Teleport player to point

.wp add - Add waypoint

.wp modify - Modify waypoint

.wp show - Show waypoint

.quest remove - Set quest #quest_id state to not completed and not active

.senditems - Send a mail to a player

.notify - Send a global message to all players online in screen

.mute - Disable chat messaging for any character from account of character

.unmute - Restore chat messaging for any character from account of character

.learn all\ - Learn all big set different spell maybe useful for Administaror

.learn crafts - Learn all professions and recipes

.learn all_gm - Learn all default spells for Game Masters

.learn all_lang - Learn all languages

.learn all_myclass - Learn all spells and talents available for his class

.reload all - Reload all tables with reload support added and that can be _safe_ reloaded

.reload all - Reload all `spell_*` tables with reload support added and that can be _safe_ reloaded

.reload all_area - Reload all `areatrigger_*` tables if reload support

.reload all_loot - Reload all `*_loot_template` tables. This can be slow operation with lags for server run

.reload all_quest - Reload all quest related tables if reload support added for this table

.lookup tele - Search and output all .tele command locations with provide $substring in name

.modify drunk - Set drunk level to #value (0..100). Value 0 remove drunk state, 100 is max drunked state

.learn all_myspells - Learn all spells (except talents and spells with first rank learned as talent)

.learn all_mytalents - Learn all talents (and spells with first rank learned as talent)

.gobject turn - Set for gameobject #goguid orientation same as current character orientation

.list creature - Output creatures with creaturet value

.honor update - Force the yesterday's honor fields to be updated with today's data

.go graveyard - Teleport to graveyard with the graveyardId specified

.npc info - Display a list of details for the selected creaturedynamic flags

.movegens - Show movement generators stack for selected creature or player

.plimit - Set player limit for server

.list object - Output gameobjects with gameobject id #gameobject_id found in world

.list item - Output items with item id

.lookup area - Looks up an area by $namepart, and returns all matches with their area ID's

.tele - Teleport player to a given location

.guild delete - Delete guild $GuildName

.guild invite - Add $CharacterName into a guild $GuildName

.guild rank - Set for $CharacterName rank #Rank in a guild

.guild uninvite - Remove $CharacterName from a guild

.flusharenapoints - Use it to distribute arena points based on arena team ratings, and start a new week

.learn all_default - Learn for selected/$playername player all default spells for his race/class and spells

.modify rep - Sets the selected players reputation

.modify honor - Add $amount honor points to the selected player

.lookup faction - Attempts to find the ID of the faction with the provided $name

.npc delitem - Remove item #itemid from item list of selected vendor

.modify morph - Change your current model id to #displayid

.reset all spells - Reset all spells after relog

.reset all talents - Reset all talents after relog

.gobject target - Locate and show position nearest gameobject

.tele add - Add current your position

.tele del - Remove location with name

.tele group - Teleport a selected player and his group members to a given location

.tele name - Teleport a player to a given location

.damage - Apply damage to target

.wp import - Waypoint import

.wp export - Waypoint export

.lookup event - Attempts to find the ID of the event with the provided $name

.event - Show details about event with #event_id

.event activelist - Show list of currently active events

.event start - Start event #event_id

.event stop - Stop event #event_id

.combatstop - Stop combat for selected character

.quest complete - Mark all quest objectives as completed for target character

.cast self - Cast #spellid by target at target itself

.cast target - Selected target will cast #spellid to his victim

.instance unbind all - All of the selected player's binds will be cleared

.instance listbinds - Lists the binds of the selected player

.instance stats - Shows statistics about instances

.instance savedata - Save the InstanceData for the current player's map to the DB

.learn all_recipes - Learns all recipes of specified profession and sets skill level to max

.cast dist - You will cast spell to pint at distance

.server idlerestart - Restart the server after #delay seconds if no active connections are present

.server idlerestart cancel - Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any

.reload config - Reload config settings (by default stored in mangosd.conf)

.modify phase - Selected character phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update

.modify speed - Modify the running speed of the selected player

.modify titles - Allows user to use all titles from #mask

.pdump write - Write character dump with name/guid

.gm chat [on/off] - Enable or disable chat GM MODE (show gm badge in messages) or show current state of on/off

.reload all_locales - Reload all `locales_*` tables with reload support added and that can be _safe_ reloaded

.account onlinelist - Show list of online accounts

.ban ip $Ip $bantime $reason - Ban IP. - $bantime: negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like "4d20h3s\

.account set gmlevel - Set the security level for targeted player from 0 to 3

.account set password - Set password for account

.chardelete - Delete character

.gm list - Display a list of all Game Masters accounts and security levels

.baninfo account - Watch full information about a specific ban

.sendmessage - Send screen message to player from ADMINISTRATOR

.server corpses - Triggering corpses expire check in world

.server restart - Restart the server after #delay seconds

.server motd - Show server Message of the day

.server set loglevel - Set server log level (0 - errors only, 1 - basic, 2 - detail, 3 - debug)

.server set motd - Set server Message of the day

.banlist character - Searches the banlist for a character name pattern

.banlist ip - Searches the banlist for a IP pattern or show full list of IP bans

.gm fly [on/off] - Enable/disable gm fly mode

.gobject setphase - Gameobject with DB guid #guid phasemask changed
to #phasemask with related world vision update for players. Gameobject
state saved to DB and persistent

.lookup player account - Searchs players, which account username

.lookup player ip - Searchs players, which account last ip

.lookup player email - Searchs players, which account email

.modify money - Add or remove money to the selected player

.repairitems - Repair all selected player's items

.npc follow - Selected creature start follow you until death/fight/etc

.npc unfollow - Selected creature (non pet) stop follow you

.waterwalk on/off - Set on/off waterwalk state for selected player

.npc tame - Tame selected creature (tameable non pet creature). You don't must have pet

.modify gender male/female - Change gender of selected player

.sendmail - Send a mail to a player. Subject and mail text must be in "".

.sendmoney - Send mail with money to a player. Subject and mail text must be in "".

.server restart cancel - Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any

.server shutdown - Shut the server down after #delay seconds. Use #exist_code or 0 as program exist code

.server shutdown cancel - Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any

.pinfo - Output account information for selected player or player find by $player_name

.modify runicpower - Modify the runic power of the selected player

.gobject near - Output gameobjects at distance

.reset achievements - Reset achievements data for selected or named (online or offline) character

.debug bg - Toggle debug mode for battlegrounds. In debug mode GM can start battleground with single player

.debug arena - Toggle debug mode for arenas. In debug mode GM can start arena with single player

.npc setdeathstate on/off - Set default death state (dead/alive) for npc at spawn

.ban character - Ban account and kick player.\r\n$bantime:
negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like

.ban account - Ban account kick player.\r\n$bantime: negative
value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like "4d20h3s".

.account set addon - Set user (possible targeted) expansion addon level allowed. Addon values: 0 - normal, 1 - tbc, 2 - wotlk.

.distance - Display the distance from your character to the selected creature/player

.unban ip - Unban accounts for IP pattern

.npc textemote - Make the selected creature to do textemote with an emote of id #emoteid

.learn all_mypettalents - Learn all talents for your pet available for his creature type (only for hunter pets)

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Owner Of Deranged WoW Server.

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